Tile Tablet No. 3
Tile Tablet No. 3
Tile Tablet No. 3
Tile Tablet No. 3
Tile Tablet No. 3
Tile Tablet No. 3

The Object Enthusiast

Tile Tablet No. 3

A versatile decorative art piece - hang it on the wall, use it as a pedestal for smaller collectibles, lean it against a bookshelf, this piece can do it all.

This is a small wooden panel that was covered in handmade ceramic tile, and grouted with a bone-colored sanded grout. The tiles are all various shapes and colors and textures - several shades of soft pink, earthy speckled green, black dots, blue dots, tiny pops of blood orange, textured cream and white, and small pops of indigo blue. The edges are also covered in tiles to frame the edges.

This piece is approximately 11" x 9" x 2"
